Main Menu will take you back to the Intro screen from anywhere in the Manage tool.
Account will take you to your personal account information page. This will allow you to change your manage password, change your login name for manage and change your information.
Smart DNS allows you to manage DNS pointers for your domain name. This is a web based DNS manager for your domain(s).
Smart Hosting gives you the ability to manage your web space. This allows you to create web spaces as well as change your FTP Password and other web space management tasks.
Smart SQL allows you to view your MySQL database. From here you can also change your MySQL password for your database.
Smart Mail manages your email addresses. This area allows you the ability to create and manage e-mail addresses based on domain(s) you host on our system.
Help will bring you to help interface.
Log Out will log you out of the management system.
Account Menu
The Account menu item will give you access to your personal account information. From the following screen you can perform various account tasks.
View Invoices - Depending on the package you subscribe to, this function allows you to view your online invoices. This is not applicable if you receive your invoice by mail.
Manage Username - You can create and change a shortname, which is an easier to remember username for the Management Interface. When you log into Manage, you can always use your chosen shortname and your password.
Personal Information - This section contains the contact info on your account. You can update this should your information change. Please also email customer service if you change your email address here.
Change Manage Password - This option allows you to change your password for this management interface only. It does not affect any of your email passwords or FTP passwords or your MySQL password.
HELP Brings you to this help interface.
This will log you out of the Manage Utility. You should always log out when you are no longer managing your account as there are several management functions that you do not want unauthorized persons modifying.