Below is a list of points regarding PHP on our servers:
- Our servers will always be running the latest STABLE release of PHP.
- All standard features of PHP are available.
- PEAR is not supported at this time.
- Perl and Mysql support have been compiled into PHP at build time.
- GD support has been provided (direct result of customer suggestions)
- SAFEMODE is ON. Please ensure you are using proper coding in your PHP source or your script may not function properly.
- PHP file upload disabled until further notice
The following extensions are classified as PHP script by our system:
(if customer demand is high enough additional extensions may be added)
If you wish to have an Access database, your database files should be placed in the Private directory that is provided outside of the Public folder. The system will be able to connect to your database using an ODBC Connection (DSN), while at the same time not making your entire database file public. Placing your database files in the databases directory will allow your website to function properly, while at the same time, prevents someone from stealing your entire database file.